GitHub vs GitLab

September 13, 2021

GitHub vs GitLab

If you're a developer who uses Git as your version control system, you've probably heard of GitHub and GitLab. Both are popular web-based Git repositories that allow you to store and manage your code. But which one should you choose? Below we'll compare GitHub vs GitLab to help you decide.


GitHub and GitLab both have free and paid plans. GitHub is more expensive, with paid plans starting at $4 per user per month, while GitLab's paid plans start at $19 per user per month. However, GitHub's free plan is more generous, with unlimited private repositories, while GitLab's free plan limits you to 10 private repositories.


Both GitHub and GitLab offer similar features, such as issue tracking, code reviews, and continuous integration. However, GitLab also includes a built-in continuous deployment pipeline, while GitHub relies on third-party integrations for this functionality. GitLab also includes a built-in container registry, while GitHub does not.


The performance of GitHub and GitLab can vary depending on your location and network. However, GitHub's global presence and dedicated CDN give it an edge in terms of speed and reliability. GitLab has fewer data centers and relies on third-party CDN providers.


GitHub has a larger community than GitLab, with over 56 million users and 100 million repositories. GitHub also hosts many popular open-source projects, making it easy to contribute to the projects you use. GitLab has a smaller community, with around 30 million users and 10 million repositories.


Choosing between GitHub and GitLab ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences. Both platforms offer similar features, but GitHub may be a better choice for larger teams or those that prioritize performance and community. GitLab may be a better fit for smaller teams or those that value built-in continuous deployment and container registry functionality.


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